News: Events

6th Call for TRANSVAC Vaccine Development Services (TNA)

TRANSVAC2  project offers high-quality technical services to support the development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines for both human and animal use. These services are not restricted to any disease in particular. Except for the few cases indicated on the website, services will be offered free of charge!  Academic and non-academic research groups, SMEs and industries ca...

Partner News: Call for Proposals for Instruct Internship Programme

Instruct is pleased to announce that the call for proposals for the Instruct Internship Programme (for internships to be held in 2019-2020) is now open.  Internship call Instruct provides access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology to support research in structural biology. Its aim is to encourage and facilitate the integrative use of technologies and methodologies that...

Course 1 "Preparing for advanced techniques of the minimally invasive approach in abdominal oncology surgery"

On June 28, 2019, the training for physicians and nurses for the course 1 "Preparing for advanced techniques of the minimally invasive approach in abdominal oncology surgery" started within the project "Improving the level of competencies of professionals in the medical system in the field of ONCO invasive abdominal surgery - PRONCO " The course consists of theoretical and pra...

The 2nd edition of the International Conference "Emerging Technologies in EmergeMAT Materials Engineering",

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2nd edition of the International Conference "Emerging Technologies in EmergeMAT Materials Engineering", organized by the National Institute for Research and Development for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals - IMNR, to be held during the 6th -8 November 2019, in Bucharest. The EmergeMAT conference aims to bring together researchers, engineers,...

innoVasc- an open innovation program!!!

Are you a startup? Are you looking for a boost? Enroll now and participate at innoVasc, the open innovation program of iVascular. You can benefit from a mentoring program from their group of experts to make your idea a tangible healthcare solution. Submissions deadline: August 30th, 2019. Its mission is to promote innovation and transform vascular therapies to provide their customers with adva...