
MEDRo Romanian Network of Clusters in the medical field

MEDRo Romanian Network of Clusters in the medical field - is a network that includes all health clusters in Romania and appeared in 2018 under the auspices of Clustero as a necessity for the exchange of information and good practices on addressing issues in the medical field and related sectors, as well as of increasing the visibility of the clusters in the network, at national and European level. In the next 2 years, the MEDRO network will be represented by Mrs. Flaviana Rotaru, president of the ROHEALTH cluster, the network having as first objective the awareness at national level of the importance of financing the health field from the perspective of research and innovation.
They are part of the MEDRO network
1. ROHEALTH - Cluster for Health and Bioeconomy
2. Innovative Regional Cluster of Molecular and Structural Imaging North East (IMAGO MOL)
3. Romania Health Medical Cluster
4. The Innovative Health Cluster “Lower Danube”
5. Transylvania Balneo-Tourist Cluster
6. BioROne Biotechnology Cluster
7. Health cluster region of Southwest Oltenia.
8. The health tourism cluster from the South-West Oltenia region.
