Under the European Framework Program for Research and Innovation 2021-2027, Horizon Europe, three main calls for project proposals for 2021 are announced:
1. Grants for novice researchers, with a total budget of 619 million Euros, are addressed to young researchers in Europe who want to create their own independent research team or program. Deadline for submission of applications: April 8, 2021.
More details here: https://erc.europa.eu/funding/starting-grants
2. Consolidation grants, with a total budget of 633 million Euros, are addressed to researchers who consolidate their independent research program and team.
Deadline for submission of applications: April 20, 2021
More details here: https://erc.europa.eu/funding/consolidator-grants
3. Grants for advanced researchers, with a budget of 626 million Euros and the deadline for submitting applications on August 31, 2021.
More details here: https://erc.europa.eu/funding/advanced-grants