
Research and Innovation in Health, 4th Edition, February 6, 2024

Research and Innovation in Health, 4th Edition, February 6, 2024

Flaviana ROTARU, President of ROHEALTH – Cluster for Health and Bioeconomy, will speak at the event Research and Innovation in Health, 4th Edition, February 6, 2024, organized by Club Antreprenor and Ziarul Pozitiv.

The event will take place in the Carol I Hall, located on the 2nd Floor of the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce Palace, located on Ion Ghica Street, no. 4, Sector 3, Bucharest.

With the theme "Research and Innovation in Health", the event aims to take an accurate x-ray of the medical sector and present the goals and targets for the coming years. The conference will bring together decision-makers from the central administration, managers of prominent public institutions, entrepreneurs, specialist consultants, suppliers of equipment and medicines, as well as associations.