
Workshop: Organ-on-Chip_Putting Science into Standards 28/04 and 29/04, 2021

The workshop "Putting Science into Standards 2021 on Organ on Chip technologies (OoC)", organized by the European Commission - Joint Research Center (JRC) will take place online on April 28 and 29, 2021.
The 2021 edition of PSIS will focus on Organ-on-Chip (OoC) or Micro Physiological Systems (MPS), innovative devices that mimic human / animal biology and can reproduce one or more aspects of an organ's functionality. Among other benefits, they can lead to better testing of drugs and treatments tailored to genetic diversity, ethnicity, gender and age; reducing the cost of clinical trials and replacing animal testing for cosmetics, which has been banned in Europe since 2013. Find out more in the event brochure:

This event aims to facilitate the exchange of views on the future development of this technology, its areas of application and the needs of stakeholders, in order to identify how European standardization can support large-scale deployment, and thus:

• Facilitating their implementation in the current and future regulatory framework;

• Support with reliable methods, which are even more critical for the use of OoC in emergency situations, when drug / vaccine development and testing procedures are required, as in the current COVID-19 drug race;

• Strengthen Europe's position as a leader in promoting a more ethical use of test animals;

• Helping European OoC start-ups increase their reliability and market share.

WHEN: April 28, 2021 (14: 00-17: 00 CET); April 29, 2021 (09: 00-16: 00 CET)

WHERE: online. Authentication details will be provided to participants confirmed before the workshop.


• Researchers

• Innovators

• Industry

• Political decision makers

REGISTRATION: Participation is free, but registration is required before April 20.