It’s never too early to ... Save the Date! ROHEALTH Cluster in partnership with the Babeș-Bolyai University, Support Central Region Association, Romanian Society of Romanian Informatics and Transilvania IT Cluster – are launching the BeHealth event!   👉🏻 BeHealth & Digital 2024 – International Event in Healthcare 📅 22-25 October / Romania ⌚ Exact time...
ROHEALTH members finalists at the Romanian Research Gala 2024 Edition The Romanian Research Gala will take place on February 27, 2024, at the Bucharest National Opera, starting at 6:30 p.m. During the celebration, the achievements of the most valuable Romanian researchers will be awarded. The second edition is intended to be the continuation of an event of tradition, by which to recogniz...
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ROHEALTH - The Health and Bioeconomy Cluster

The Health and Bioeconomy Cluster - ROHEALTH generates and sustains initiatives and activities related to health, improvement of Health and Bioeconomy. At national level, the Cluster develops competitiveness and innovation, it promotes and encourages cooperation between companies, organizations, universities and public entities resulting in the growth of economic competitiveness in the fields of Health and Bioeconomy.

BEHEALTH & DIGITAL 2024 – International Event in Healthcare

The event will bring together not only entrepreneurs, universities, and applied research specialists from companies, universities, hospitals, and research institutes but also financiers and private investors, policymakers and health opinion leaders, representatives of administration, NGOs, and international networks.