The main approach of NET4AGE-FRIENDLY is to build local or regional ecosystems in each COST country involved, to work on health and well-being in an age-friendly digital world. Ecosystems will be made up of citizens, public authorities, businesses / NGOs and researchers. These will be supported by four thematic working groups (inclusive user-centered design in age-friendly environments and communities; integrated health and wellness pathways; digital solutions and sustainable large-scale implementation; -benefits). The results of the thematic working groups will be integrated by a dedicated working group to create a synergistic output as a reference framework.
Start date: 21-22 Oct 2020
5 working groups
38 countries participate
Period: 4 years
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the first period of the Action was extended by 6 months (April 30, 2021 - October 31, 2021).
Action Management Committee:
- Ana Aslan International Foundation (Prof. Dr. Luiza Spiru, MC1 and coordinator)
- Timișoara Polytechnic University & European Federation for Medical Informatics - EFMI & Romanian Society of Medical Informatics - SRIM (Prof. Univ. Dr. Eng. Lăcrămioara Stoicu-Tivadar, MC2)
- Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Irina Georgiana Mocanu, Substitute Member)
- CANARY TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS SRL (Substitute) Iulian Anghelache
Network Members:
- CIeH, UMF Carol Davila Innovation and e-Health Center (Assistant Professor Dr. Ștefan Busnatu, CIeH coordinator)
- UMF Carol Davila (Head of works Dr. Ioana Ioancio, Discipline Geriatrics and Gerontology - Elias University Emergency Hospital)
- ROHEALTH - Health and Bioeconomy Cluster (Flaviana Rotaru, President and Founding Member of RoHealth)
- Research and Training Center in Innovative Techniques of Applied Mathematics in Engineering “Traian. Lalescu ”(CiTi), Polytechnic University of Bucharest - Assoc. Dr. Antonela TOMA

Related News about the NET4Age-Friendly on ROHEALTH site:
NET4Age-Friendly Report on Policies, Strategies and Funding for Active and Healthy Aging (SHAFE), January 10, 2022, article in English
Raport NET4Age-Friendly privind politicile, strategiile și finanțarea pentru o îmbătrânire activă și sănătoasă a oamenilor (SHAFE) | January 10, 2022, article in Romanian.
Webinar NET4Age-Friendly: How to build and maintain online networks? | August 11, 2021, in Romanian.