International Event in Healthcare, October 24-26, 2023, 6th Edition
Register HERE: https://behealth-2023.b2match.io
In 2023, we will continue the BEHEALTH tradition with even more interesting topics in the field of medical research and innovation, providing participants with a matchmaking platform as a support to find new partners and opportunities.
Stay tuned! We promise you a memorable experience!
The BeHEALTH agenda includes the brokerage event, start-up contest and abstracts contest, and panels for discussions. Our aim is to create a unique experience for participants by covering mixed areas such as access to national and international financing sources, e-health, medical equipment and instruments, translational medicine, materials for health, education for health, hospitals from home, the role of clusters in the innovation process, social responsibility for health, health policies and infrastructures and international networking in Health Domain.
Based on the history of last year’s participation, we estimate at least 400 participants:
entrepreneurs from the industry, universities, the scientific community, hospitals, civil society, Romanian policymakers and European Commission representatives, international networks representatives for the 3 days of this event.

This year, ROHEALTH – The Health and Bioeconomy Cluster in partnership with Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB), Central Region Support Association, Transilvania IT Cluster, and Romanian Society of Medical Informatics (SRIM) – is launching the 7th edition of BEHEALTH & DIGITAL – Hybrid International Event in Healthcare, which will take place from October 22-...
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International Event in Healthcare, October 24-26, 2023, 6th Edition
Register HERE: https://behealth-2023.b2match.io
In 2023, we will continue the BEHEALTH tradition with even more interesting topics in the field of medical research and innovation, providing participants with a matchmaking platform as a support to find new pa...
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International Online Event in Healthcare, October 25-27, 2022, 6th Edition
In 2022, we will continue the BEHEALTH tradition with even more interesting topics in the field of medical research and innovation, providing participants with a matchmaking platform as a support to find new partners and opportunities.
Stay tuned! We promise you...
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BeHEALTH – Online International Event in Healthcare | 4th Edition - October 26-28, 2021
Event platform: https://behealth-2021-online-international-event.b2match.io/
We thank all the attendees - participant, speakers, co-organizers and partners who contributed to the success of this fourth edition of our BEHEALTH international e...
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BeHEALTH 2020 - Online International Event in Healthcare 27th - 29th of October 2020
Event Agenda here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eIu3j1e1Um5JxaxxjXDKIZIuu40w7L_q/view
Event Platform: https://international-brokerage-event-in-healthcare.b2match.io/
Event Presentations: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/4/folders/10nx2zkBfSbFceA2_tPOLypSU3A0qpHn9...
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Health Brokerage Event 2019 - April 18, 2019, Iași
Event Platform: https://evenimentul-de-brokeraj-in-sanatate2019.b2match.io/
Event Agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GdJWBMdx0XtkAjg-HX5T2rOEoII_ckFk/view
Number of registered participants: 87
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Brokerage Event in Health and Bioeconomy, June 7, 2018
Number of participants: 70
Event agenda here:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s--cyE4kHmsHGc8Hjwimah1pfnvjv7_d/view
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Established in 2015 with the goal to support the need to associate various types of entities in the fields of health and bioeconomy in order to increase their competitiveness in the targeted fields, through its activities, ROHEALTH promotes and supports cooperation through sustainable national and international partnerships between private companies, universities, research organizations and public...
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The Health and Bioeconomy Cluster - ROHEALTH generates and sustains initiatives and activities related to health, improvement of Health and Bioeconomy. At national level, the Cluster develops competitiveness and innovation, it promotes and encourages cooperation between companies, organizations, universities and public entities resulting in the growth of economic competitiveness in the f...
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Contact: medronetwork@gmail.com
MEDRo Romanian Network of Clusters in the Medical Field - is a network that includes all health clusters in Romania and appeared in 2018 under the auspices of Clustero as a necessity for the exchange of information and good practices on addressing issues in the medical field and related sectors, as well as of increasing the visibility of the clusters in...
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Дивіться цю сторінку українською мовою
As of March 10, the Solidarity Call Center becomes operational, including in Ukrainian!
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Because health also involves social responsibility The ROHEALTH Cluster together with the members involved mobilized to help refugees by providing free medical services with Russian or Ukra...
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