Project title: PREPARE
Funding source: European Union
Program: Horizon Europe
Project objective: The main objective of the project is to explore the current status of Innovation Partnerships through the stakeholders involved, to define innovation policy instruments with a demand-driven approach to achieve adoption of the results, as well as sustainable commitments from policy makers to decision.
Coordinator: TICBIOMED
P1: Instituto Fomento Region de Murcia
P2: Innovation Skåne
P3: Region Skåne
P5: Bucharest – Ilfov Regional Development Agency
P6: Business Oulu (City of Oulu)
P7: Council of Oulu Region
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Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action: Strategic Partnerships
Field: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project Identification
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The general objective of the project is to create a spin-off based on a patent and the development of...
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Funding source: COSME
Program: Clusters Go International Program
Reference: COS-CLUSINT-2019-3-01
Project objective: The main objective of the project is to create a world-leading cluster partnership, to set up a "European Strategic Cluster Partnership - Going International"...
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Project Title: NoBoCap - Notified Body Increased Capacity
Funding Source: European Union
Programme: EU4Health
Reference: 101101269
Project objective: The main objective of the project is to increase the capacity of notified bodies (NB) quickly and sustainably.
Main applicant: ROHEALTH - The Health and Bioeconomy Cluster
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Project Title: MountResilience - Accelerating transformative climate adaptation for higher resilience in European mountain regions
Funding Source: European Union
Programme: Horizon
Reference: 101112876
Project objective: MountResilience will support European regions and communities located in mountainous areas to increase their capacity to adapt to clim...
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