We would like to remind you that the Online Courses on Oncogenetics, within HOPE Project, are ready and are waiting for the participants to register.
Registered participants will receive an email with the login data and they will have access to proceed with the course lessons.
You cand register at the Online Courses on Oncogenetics on the following link: https://hope.projects.umfiasi.ro/op...
RoHealth-Clusterul pentru Sanatate si Bioeconomie sustine initiativele si parteneriatele care promoveaza ideile inovatoare in domeniul sanatatii, cercetarii si bioeconomiei; in acest sens RoHealth s-a alaturat in calitate de partener profesional al AVANTYO-Institute of Clinical Research, in cadrul evenimentului Clinical Trials Symposium, cu tematica ”2020: A year of unprecedented challenges...
The HOPE project propose the development of a Central and East European mapping of the oncogenetics in the health practice and to research and establish the framework for development of the project products on how Oncogenetics Predicts & Educates.
Discover the findings of the national reports on situation, strategies, support institutions and specialists and the best practices of the geneti...
Am dat startul Behealth-Online International Event in Healthcare 2020!
Va asteptam pe platfoma evenimentului!
A day has already passed since BeHEALTH - Online International Event in Healthcare debuted and 150 participants joined us during the sessions "Funding Opportunities for Health", "E-health and Education", "Medical Equipment and Instruments", "Translational Medicine", and "Material for Health". Together celebrating innovation, in a period of uncertai...