The CENEMED project is an infrastructure project, which aims to modernize 5 research directions: emergency medicine and pharmacy, oncological surgery, immunology - genetics, nephrology - nephropathology, gastroenterology and liver.
The general objective of the project is to create a spin-off based on a patent and the development of innovative products within the new enterprise, to be launched on the market of nanostructured biomaterials, an economic sector with growth potential.
The general objective of the project is to develop the services of correct diagnosis and adequate treatment of oral respiration, starting from the results of the doctoral thesis.
It is formulated in accordance with the objective of the competition to achieve new or significantly improved technologies / processes in order to market them. Through this objective, the project proposes to introduce on the Romanian medical services market a diagnostic and treatment center specialized in oral halena.
The project aims to develop a new technology for obtaining customized oculo-orbital reconstruction prostheses in patients with facial trauma, but also the development of a 3D CT reconstruction software adapted to the 3D printer for custom implantation.
The overall objective of the project is to increase the contribution of the ICT sector by moving from outsourcing to development based on innovation and obtaining an innovative software product and an innovative service, which will provide an early diagnosis in lung and colorectal cancer.
The project proposes an intelligent system for continuous monitoring of patients at risk of stroke, which is able to accurately identify both the onset of stroke and other events with similar risk factors, such as myocardial infarction and cardiac arrhythmias. The Thoven system will thus allow the patient to be kept under observation both during sleep and when awake.
The project will generate a long-term positive effect by increasing the performance of medical staff involved in implementing priority health programs at national and local level, respectively, by participating in training courses and exchanges of good practice in order to obtain advanced techniques. minimally invasive in abdominal oncological surgery as well as in order to develop the abilities to use the robot, in pelvic oncological surgery, in accordance with the needs identified in the field of major noncommunicable diseases.
The project aims to increase the participation of university students in the Center region in on-the-job learning programs and the development of socio-professional skills by organizing internships and for 325 students from educational institutions with a profile in the medical field and / or educational institutions. education of various specialties related to the medical field. Reducing the unemployment rate among young graduates at the level of the Center region, respectively increasing the employability as a ratio of the educational institutions with a profile in the medical field involved (medium-long term, economic).
The general objective of the project is the development of an innovative product with applications in the agricultural field, more precisely a calcareous soil amendment in the form of granules, covered by a layer of microelements from poultry manure.