
Access the project platform of HOPE - to find about How Oncogenetics Predicts & Educates

The Project  platform of  HOPE - How Oncogenetics Predicts & Educates aims to develop the field of oncogenetics. The online course that the project makes available to specialists will increase awareness of the multidisciplinary assessment of patients and their families at risk of hereditary cancer.

In the following period the partners from the project consortium aim to carry out the following activities:

– Open Online Course on Oncogenetics

– HOPE Mobile APP (iOS & Android) – predict & keep informed on the risk of cancer

– Chart on Oncogenetics standards and procedures for medical institutions

– From a past of illness towards a future of health – Guides, informative and multimedia materials to raise awareness of patients and families with a history of hereditary or familiar cancer on the importance of undergoing risk assessment through appropriate procedures

– Multiplier events in 4 countries: New frontiers in dealing with cancer – HOPE – How Oncogenetics Predicts & Educates

– International trainings with medical specialists on advanced oncogenetics

Summing up the project activities/products, HOPE project is innovative through the following aspects:

– three-dimensional addressability – multidisciplinary consultancy groups of medical specialists, general medical specialists and family doctors, patients and their families at risk of hereditary or familial cancer

– training on advanced high-specialized intervention in oncogenetics

– creation of open online course in the field of oncogenetics – software and mobile phone applications – for supporting the friendly access of specialists and patients, family members to tools for cancer risk informing and screening.

More details about the project on the following link: